So, I'll admit, I've been seriously slacking in the journal updation department but really it's only because I've been doing so many more fun things than sitting in the library by myself, honest! Also I had a revelation recently, it's called, Cassie has not had more than maybe 2 half-migraines since she's arrived in England, which I think is sort of amazing. I've decided it's because I'm sleeping more than enough (though, I could always use more) and I'm not stressed out since the classes aren't that hard (okay who am I kidding, they're nothing compared to classes in America) and I am also doing no activities here and relaxing and enjoying myself, man if I had known getting rid of migraines was this simple I would have come to England so much sooner. I've also talked to people who are older here and they told me that students that study abroad in America find it very hard to keep up because we have so much more work there, here I have 6 papers to write in 12 weeks, and maybe 11 books to read, plus psychology reading, and of course there's some secondary reading too like journals and critical essays but it's a very relaxed environment, no tests no quizzes no homework to turn in besides essays it's kind of a great place to be for a limited amount of time, but I think going back to Union will prove to be a challenge; I won't be used to difficult classes and I might have 2 lab courses and hopefully ::crosses fingers:: 3 science, but it's very unlikely. We already had to register and I signed up for organic chemistry (shoot me now...) neural circuits and behavior (which only runs every other year but my advisor is the teacher and being a neuroscience major I think i have a sort of good chance) and endocrinology, if I don't get into endocrinology I have animal physiology as my backup and....after that an english class, but only if I can't get into the science classes. Won't know til monday-ish which classes I got into and then I might need to plead with a professor or two and if that doesn't work, show up on the first day and sit through class in hopes of getting in. Good plan I think.
Well over the weekend I went to Scotland, Edinburgh to be exact, which is pronounced Edinborough for some odd reason, don't ask me why. We got there friday afternoon and checked into our hostel which was a lot bigger than the last one and very colorful, had its own bar and everything. Also seemed to have a much serious-er air there, we had these cards we needed to keep on us at all times to get back into the hostel. The room was big it was a 12 person room and there were only 4 of us so good opportunity to meet new people right? Right. So anyways we dump our stuff then we go on the lookout for some food because of course we're hungry. We end up at a pub that's sort of like underground and it's all old men and they stare at us because we're the only girls in the place and on top of that we're american, but the meals were 2 for 9.95 so it was a good deal, we all got new york chicken with was chicken with bacon (ham...) on top of it and cheese and chips (fries...) yum yum yum. then we went to the royal gallery which was this museum and was so cool! I checked out all the pottery which was really neat, they had a lot of old stuff, and porcelin pottery and just everything, also checked out the birds exhibit which was essentially a lot of dead stuffed birds, i didn't realize how big ostriches were before going to this museum they were so cool. also saw the butterflies, some of the colors were just amazing, and they had an egyptian exhibit and place to learn about dolly the sheep (the one they cloned) and!! a whole floor of scientific instruments, from telescopes, to barometers, to microscopes, they had the first anatomy textbook ever there and some preserved body parts, craziness. Well, the museum closed at 5 so...we couldn't stay past then, so after leaving the museum we....hmm what did we do. Went to a store to buy some wine, but ended up choosing vodka and lemonade instead (lemonade = sprite) then we headed back to the hostel and hung out there, used the internet it was pretty cheap and watched the simpsons and took a nap because we were tired but not a real nap just a restful one, then we got ready and when to grass market to a pub and then over to a club called espionage where we had so much fun just dancing and dancing, they played music from grease, and oldies, and new songs, it was just a great mix of music, and it was free to get in! after the club we went to mcdonalds and met this boy there and talked to him for awhile before heading back to the hostel to get some rest. in the morning we had the hostels free breakfast which was actually great because! they had nutella! which is a chocolate spread and so i had toast with that and peanut butter so it was like a reese's sandwich yum, and tea, so pretty much the best breakfast ever. we tried to do the walking tour of edinborough like we did in london but we just couldn't handle it, it was freezing and raining and we just weren't in the mood, so we hopped on a bus tour instead which worked out really well because the bus tickets were valid for 24 hours so we could use them on sunday as well until noontime. of course, stupid me, i did not bring my jacket because when we left it was sunny and nice out but, it started raining and the temperature dropped a bunch of degrees and of course we're sitting on the top of the bus and im shivering, what a great decision huh. anyways so after we did that we decided to tour the edinborough castle which was just amazing, the sites from the top were gorgeous and the castle was so big and there was so much to see like the POW area and the royal jewels or hmm maybe thats not what they're called the but crown and sword and all that. after the castle tour we decided we needed some food, obviously, but what did we eat?? OHHH, we went to this place called the filling station and it was amazing, i had a chili cheeseburger and it was just so delicious mmmmm. after that we went and bought some wine and headed back to the hostel, and this time, took a serious nap, aka, we all fell asleep and didn't wake up til 7:30 pm, it wasn't even an intentional nap on any of our parts we were just so tired. we went back to the same club that night but met some not so nice guys so we ditched it and went to get some pizza instead, much better choice, it was so yummy though it burned my mouth. on sunday we again had breakfast at the hostel, and checked out but left our luggage, and explored about the city some more, we went on the bus tour again just for a go at it in the sunshine (had my jacket!) and we really wanted to go to the children's museum which was a museum of childhood basically with a lot of toys and whatnot was closed on sundays, so we did some shopping, i got some gifts for people and then we tried to find a cool tour to do we wanted to do the nessie's 3d experience (of the loch ness monster) but they were having technical difficulties but we found an underground vault tour which was really neat, and after that...we were true americans. true...fat...americans. we...oh this is great. we went to this pub for dinner, called the hogs head, they had a great deal; 2 meals for 6.95, bargain right? right. one of the meal choices was...caesar salad, so we figured, we'd each get a meal and a caeaar salad, but no such luck, they ran out of lettuce after the first salad, so, we moved on to another choice, so all 4 of us had 2 full meals, and we ate every last bite, to be fair the meals weren't huge, i had a cajun veggie burger which was amazing, and some chili with tortilla chips mmm it was the mashed potatoes that took me from satisfied to incredibly full. but whatever it was a great meal, and it was our dinner and lunch so having 2 meals isn't that ridiculous. then we treked back to the hostel, grabbed our stuff, and caught the 5:50 train back to york, great weekend, i think so. pictures later I'm too lazy to do them now, and they're not that impressive anyways, it was cloudy and rainy and stuff.
well, maybe more some other time, but my brains getting a bit tired of remembering all that i've done.
side note: megan comes tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited!! Also I've made some French friends, and one of their boyfriends is visiting so we're going to have dinner together (pasta and homeade garlic bread mmm!) with megan and another french boy too and then go see the movie on campus, should be fun!
well thats all for now, more later i promise :)
oh, PS: Dad...i saw a statue of the George who is the reason for georgie porgie, thought you'd find that cool, he was a fat man apparently and loved to eat pudding and at dances he would make it his duty to kiss all of the girls, so, there goes the rhyme. his picture is at the top of this entry i figured one picture would be nice
Hola Chica! I just wanted to point out the fact that your blog makes me want hamburgers and peanut butter really bad (not together though, eww). There is a lack of both of those things here and it makes me sad. Well, they have hamburgers, but they just arent the same. I am glad to hear that you had a good weekend last weekend!! Love you and miss you lots!
Glad you had such a fun weekend. Bet you'll remember your jacket evermore. Love your writing.
Looking forward to the pictures when you have the time.
I like the great deals on food and it sounds delish too. :)
Hi to megan too.
Love you,
Hello Toots,
Less headaches = good
georgie porgie = ???
Hi Cass
Important revelation about headaches. Wouldn't have wanted them to ruin your trip. Thanks for all the descriptive narrative-makes me feel like you are talking to us. Seems to be a common theme there...tour... eat something really Enjoy and take care of yourself!
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